8th Arya Kshema – Winter Dharma Gathering of the Kagyu Nuns (29th Jan to 29th Feb. 2024)

The 8th Arya Kshema – Winter Dharma Gathering of the Kagyu Nuns began on 29th Jan. 2024. This year program was inaugurated and blessed by Chamgon Tai Situ Rinpochen at Kagyu Monlam Pavillon, Bodhgaya, Bihar.

The project is named after a nun who was the foremost of the Buddha’s female disciples, the wisest of the wise and the most confident. The project is initiated and is run under the guidance and advises of His Holiness the Gyalwang Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje. The main object of the program is improve educational standard in Kagyu nunneries and provide equal opportunity as monks.

During the program, an inter monastic Buddhist Philosophical debate competition is held but this year competition is between teams of nuns drawn from different nunneries. Apart from the debate, teachings by His Holiness the Gyawang Karmapa on the Fifty Verses on the Guru, Chöd practice, special prayers and other Buddhist Rituals are taught.

This year’s program includes participants from 8 nunneries, totaling around 360 nuns. The trust covers their travel, food, lodging, and any other expenses associated with organizing the program.

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